Contact Harcus Parker

Next steps and contact

We ask businesses to sign up to the claim and show support by registering their details on this website.

About the claim

If you have any questions about the claim, please email us at and we will get in touch with you.

Media enquiries

For all media inquiries, please contact : John Watts, Associate Director at Forward Global (, +44 (0)79 57277659)

Reaching out to you

The class action is immense. We believe in the success of this case, which is why we’ve launched an ongoing awareness campaign in the media.

We want to make sure your business does not miss out.

That is why, for larger businesses (average annual turnover of £100m or more) we have teamed up with to make sure you hear about the case and can easily join in if you wish. can arrange a no-cost and no-obligation call with senior litigators at Harcus Parker to guide you through process so you can make an informed decision. The commercial card class action is the only b2b class action that is certified in the UK against Mastercard and Visa and presents an ideal route to take part in the case without the usual burdens of litigation, or of financing and insuring your own participation.

Please call on 020 3890 6430 or email them on for further information.

Next steps after registering

On 9 August 2024 the CAT granted the Collective Proceedings Orders authorising the Proposed Class Representative to continue the claim as a class action on behalf of eligible UK merchants. The claim will now proceed to trial. Opt-in claimants were granted a period of 6 months within which they may opt in.  The case is expected to last several years, and we will keep you updated.

registration complaint mastercard visa